Sunday 23, Mar 2025
Saturday, 2 January 2016

Ultimate Guide:ALL ABOUT clan for NEW CLASHERS! [Manners] [Keeping Good Reputation]

Ultimate Guide To ACT in a clan for NEW CLASHERS!First of all,Welcome to CLASH,New members!
As you go with the flow on Clash, you will get to know that CLANS are very important in your COC career! So, I am here to tell you all about how to act in ONE!

-Joining Clans-

To Get A Clan: Build CLAN CASTLE at first. When you have built CLAN CASTLE, you are now able to join a clan! 
IMPORTANT: Look For clans in GLOBAL/FRIENDS that are set to INVITE ONLYManners/Behaviors to be a good clan member
Remember to be chatty! All clan members love activity!
*Do not BE OFFENSIVE! Who likes that? 
*Donate what's REQUESTED. Some members don't like getting what they didn't want.
*Donate a lot! Everyone loves them!
*Maturity gets you respect!
There are more but these are the main ones!As A Member-You should respect higher ranks. 
Thank everyone who gives you troops! 
Don't ask for elder/begging for them. 

As an Elder-Do not use your eldership to threaten/boss around members.
Listen to higher ranks.
Remember that you were a member too and give second chances to members if offended anyone.

As a Co-LeaderDon't be a troll and kick out everyone.
Show good example how other members have to act like.

-Making Clans-

The Founding-
-Make a clan with group of people that looks loyal and more. 
-ALWAYS have clan on INVITE ONLY
-Have Requirements to join as your elders/co leaders can accept on that basis. 

*Show good manners and be nice to your members
*Do not suddenly leave.
*Send Daily mails to bond wth your members!
*Promote only if they are loyal.

About Donating!
All clans like donations as I said above..but some clas are strict about it and will be negative when you don't follow them. Remember to follow them if you want to stay!

Receiving more than donated..
Some people request more than donated. That's fine in some clans..but other clans might not tolerate it. Just remember to follow specific Clan Donating Rules and Donate when you see a request. Most IMPORTANTLY,join clan that you think you can meet their rules! Always bad to join a clan which is negative about keeping rules! 

                   Things YOU SHOULD never DO!

As a leader-Never make your clan "Free Elder"..
-Try not to promote Joiners until their "NEW" sign disappears.

As a co-leader
Do not KICK everyone and be a troll
-Don't mess with descriptions unless leader tells you to..
-Do not send trash mails

As a elder
Don't boss around members
-Don't Troll around 
-Don't ask for coleader because it's a important spot and leader has to decide

As a member-Do not ask for elder
-Do not donate what's not requested

Clan Wars

As a Leader-be sure to send mails to remind players to get their 2 attacks in
-Do your attacks and give advices for your members on how to attack

As a Co-Leader
-You are a leader when the leader isn't on, be sure to do what leader does above.

As an Elder-Donate CW troops to satisfy members instead of making them wait for a long time
-Remind members to attack just in case they forgot

As a Member-This is teamwork, be sure to attack to win.
-Donate troops and give advices to other members
-Do not get angry over members who failed, this causes members to leave and it's not worth the rage.

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