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Thursday, 31 December 2015

Don't forget these things before Upgrading your Town Hall

 Things to do before upgrading your Town Hall, so always upgrade everything before upgrading your Town Hall

The most important things to upgrade are defenses. Defenses are always important to upgrade first because as you move up town halls, you will be behind and you will have a weaker base if you don’t. So always upgrade defenses before upgrading your Town Hall! That is how your base becomes stronger is to always upgrade defenses before upgrading your Town Hall.

Second thing to upgrade are storages. Storages are important to upgrade because you have to have your storages at a certain level to have enough capacity for the Town Hall. So to upgrade Town Hall 6 you have to have 1 storage at a level 9 and another one at level 8. You are not allowed to upgrade your Town Hall if you don’t have enough capacity in your storages combined, so that is why you have to upgrade them as soon as possible.
Third thing to do is buy everything from the store available before upgrading so you can have a good design for your base depending on your Town Hall level. It is important to do this so you won’t be missing stuff from the previous Town Hall and you will lose trophies a lot from defense and that won’t be good.
Fourth thing to do is upgrade your laboratory before upgrading your Town Hall, if you don’t have a laboratory yet, that’s ok, because to unlock the laboratory you have to be a Town Hall 3. If you are not a Town Hall 3 yet then skip this step you will have to do this when you get to Town Hall 3. If you do have a laboratory then make sure it does not have to be upgraded again, if it does then upgrade it.
Fifth thing to do is your barracks, and this is important because you have to be sure to access new troops every Town Hall level to prepare for harder bases then your current Town Hall level, remember raiding doesn’t go by your Town Hall level it goes by your Trophy level. Make sure you bought all of your barracks from the store, if you have then you are all set. If you haven’t then make sure to buy all the barracks available for your Town Hall level.
Sixth thing to do is your Walls, make sure your walls are fully upgraded because you don’t want your walls to be too weak or when people are attacking you, they can get into your base easier. So be sure that every wall that you have is upgraded fully before upgrading your Town Hall, also make sure that you bought all of the walls in the store for your Town Hall level, if you have then you are good, if you haven’t then make sure to do that before upgrading your Town Hall.
Seventh thing to do is the rest of the things that you haven’t upgraded in a while, like collectors and mines, army camps, etc. Army camps is something that you should do because as you move on to higher Town Hall levels it is a good idea to have a big army to prepare for harder bases to raid. Collectors and mines, you don’t have to do but i recommend it because you can get more resources a day when you do this. You can also get resources by raiding other people in multiplayer, or raiding single player matches.
Eighth thing to do is raid more each time you go up a Town Hall so you can be ready for harder bases to raid, more people to attack you and more competitive players. So it is a good idea to go up a league or two so you can be around the average amount of trophies for your Town Hall level.
Ninth thing to do is to upgrade your clan castle, if you don’t have a clan castle, then save up for one and buy one because clans are one of the most important features in the game. If you do make sure it is fully upgraded, if it doesn’t have to be upgraded then skip this step. Upgrading your clan castle is good because you can hold more troops in your clan castle when you request for troops in your clan. It also holds more loot from clan wars, at this rate you probably don’t do clan wars yet, if you do clan wars then that is another thing why to upgrade your clan castle.
Hope this guide helped you learn what to do before upgrading your Town Hall to the next level, if you upgrade it too early, then you will run into loot penalty, and loot penalty is when you raid someone, you will barely get enough loot from them if their Town Hall is a lot lower than yours. Your base will also be a lot weaker because they figure you are a high enough Town Hall to have a really good defense, and you will lose tons of trophies, and you can’t go into a lot of clans figuring you upgraded your Town Hall too early.
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