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Monday, 28 December 2015

Loot For Dark Elixir is so easy now (DARK ELIXIR FARMING STRATEGY)

Farm 50,000-100,000 DARK ELIXIR in just 5 hours, EASY LOOT STRATEGY

This guide is for Town Hall 9, 10, and 11 players. However, the methods and strategies of attacking can also be used by Town Hall 7 and 8 players.
  • With boost (boosting barracks and spell factory), you can farm well over 20,000 DE per hour if you’ve mastered this method.
  • Without boost, you can make around 10,000 to 15,000 DE per hour (if you’ve mastered this method).
With the Archer Queen, Giants, Wall Breakers, Barbarians, Archers, Rage Spell, Jump Spell, and Heal Spell, you are able to steal Dark Elixir from any TH 9 base and below. Regardless of whether that base is a maxed TH 9 base. If you master this strategy, then you can steal DE from any TH9 base


Army Composition

With the Archer Queen, you should train:
  • 16 Giants and 8 Wall Breakers (Cook them evenly through your Barracks. If you’re boosting 2 Barracks, then cook 4 Wall Breakers and 8 Giants evenly on the boosted Barracks).
  • Fill one Barrack with all Barbarians and fill 3 Barracks with all Archers
  • Spells = 2 Rage, 1 Jump, 1 Heal (sync in this order). Be sure to carry Poison Spell for safety.
 Without the Archer Queen:
Then you’ll experience a drop in DE production per hour. This is obvious as you are lacking the best weapon for farming Dark Elixir. However, if you’re not farming with the Archer Queen, then you should not use any Giants. The main purpose Giants is to shield the Archer Queen (not just Archers), but Giants should not be used in conjunction with Archers if you lack the Archer Queen. Why? Because Giants are unable to shield Archers from splash damage, especially Mortars. Not only that, Giants eat up a lot of your housing space. So if you’re farming without the Archer Queen, then instead of Giants, use more Barbarians or Archers. Or what I like to do is integrate about 16 Minions as they provide more versatility and efficiency (quicker full army) in your attack. Use Minions last, as a last resort option, which means you won’t always need to use them if you can get the DE without them (saving DE as Minions do cost DE to train)

Strategy/Tips for attack

  • First of all,start by locating and triggering the Clan Castle as that can be one of your biggest threats.
  • Then decide particular side to attack, which is usually the easiest path towards the Dark Elixir Storage and Town Hall.
  • For full protection of your Archer Queen and Archers, you must keep your Giants in front of your Archer Queen and Archers at all times.
  • Create a straight path to the Dark Elixir Storage with some Barbarians and Archers by creating space, creating a funnel.
  • When deploying, always spread your troops so splash defenses and bombs do less damage or kill less troops.
  • Always check and test for bombs outside the base and always beware of empty 2×2 spaces inside base that may occupy Giant Bombs. Giant Bombs are the biggest threat to Barbarians and Archers. While Mortars and Wizard Towers are the 2nd biggest threat, but can sometimes be subsided by Heal Spell.
  • Speed and precision and timing of your deployment is important, so always use multiple fingers when deploying Barbarians and Archers.
  • Always try to keep the Archer Queen at at least 80% health so you can use her every raid.
  • Conserve troops if you don’t need to use all your troops to get the DE. But be safe, don’t use too little troops or you risk not getting the DE. As your attack is strongest when you have a large army of troops deployed.
  • Be confident. If you’re not confident about attacking a tough-looking base, then skip it rather than risking the loss.
  • Practice makes perfect. Keep practicing and keep practicing. The best way to improve is by failing. The best way to learn is also by failing. When I first started learning how to break down bases, I would target challenging bases, knowing that I might fail. I attacked these tough bases so that I could learn from them and learn from my mistakes. I would get a good understanding of my potential, what bases I can and can’t attack, as well and learn from my mistakes. Whenever I fail, I would always go back to watch my replay over and over again to find out why I failed and try not to make that same mistake again the next time I attack a similar base.

Trophy League best for such loot

League does not matter. Anywhere from Silver to Master is a good league to farm in.

 Things to remember:

  • You should not be afraid to lose trophies. Your main goal is the Dark Elixir, not trophies. You will farm for DE a lot quicker if you focus more on attacking the DE Storage than obtaining a small loot bonus.
  • The matchmaking system pairs you up with other Town Halls of your level or close to your level. However, the easiest bases to raid storages are in Gold and Silver Leagues (at a small cost of no DE loot bonus).
An advantage of farming in Silver or Gold League is the “no concern for trophies” principle. In which you can freely snipe outside loaded Dark Elixir Drills for quick DE without concerning yourself with maintaining trophies to remain at a high Trophy league for loot bonus.
An advantage of farming in Silver or Gold League for players who do not boost is that you can go “scrap hunting” for Dark Elixir by searching while waiting for a full army. Search and snipe any easy to get Dark Elixir drills outside bases with as few troops needed.

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