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Saturday, 26 December 2015

Level-7 (max) MINIONS -attacking strategy + defensive strategy

Intensive attacking strategy + defensive strategy for MAX LEVEL MINIONS with sure shot three stars useful in loots as well as war attacks

The Minion is a fast, cheap and relatively weak, ranged flying unit. Its appearance is that of a gargoyle with large horns, stubby wings and large hands with sharp vicious claws that are covered in what seems to be Dark Elixir.

 Minion is made of Dark Elixir and is trained in the Dark Barracks.It cannot be attacked by CannonsMortars, or X-bows in Ground Mode but is extremely vulnerable to Air Defenses and Air Bombs.

max level minions 

At level 7, the minion becomes a rough orchid. Its horns become orange near the tips, and his wings turn orange.

Damage per Second- 57 
Hit points- 90
Training Cost- 12 (dark elixir)  
Research Cost- 140,000 Research Time- 14 days

Defensive Strategy

  • It is really helpful to have an Air Bomb in case you are attacked by Minions. It's the biggest weak spot for a Minion, especially if the attacker has multiple Minions, as Air Bombs do splash damage and can wipe out an entire group at once. For this reason it is helpful to place the Air Bombs near storages/Town Hall.
  • Defend Air Defenses, Wizard Towers, X-Bows, and Archer Towers well so the Minions don't have free rein.
  • Minions, although individually weak, are very powerful in large numbers.
  • Make sure to protect Archer Towers and Air Defenses with a Wizard Tower which does devastating splash damage to hordes of Minions.
  • If your attacker plans on deploying a large number of Minions, they will typically try to trigger your Air Bombs first with single Minions deployed at several points around your base. To counter this, make sure the trigger radius of each Air Bomb is at least behind the first row of defended buildings; this will help ensure that the single Minions will be destroyed by other defenses before they can trigger the Air Bombs.
  • Minions are useful in the Clan Castle as they can attack both ground and air units for a decent amount of damage, and can only be hit by Dragons, Archers, Wizards, Witches and other Minions.
  • Minions have no preferred target when attacking; they will simply attack the closest building to them. However, once they become aware of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes or Skeleton (either by being attacked themselves or being near another friendly troop under attack), they will leave their previously targeted building and engage the enemy troops instead. Once all of the nearby enemy troops are defeated, they will proceed to attack the nearest building from their current location.

Offensive Strategy

  • It is extremely useful to carry a small number of Minions (10 or so) to pick off buildings that are defended by ground defenses only (Mortars, Cannons, X-Bows in Ground Mode).
  • Minions are relatively inexpensive and take up only 2 housing spaces, making them well suited to use in a group rush strategy.
  • Minions can be destroyed by a single Air Bomb; therefore a good strategy is to deploy them one at a time in different locations to set off the Air Bombs, and then follow up by deploying them imassive. Note that you cannot test for Seeking Air Mines in this manner, as these traps do not target Minions.
  • As is the case with all flying units, Archer Towers, Wizard Towers and Air Defenses should be taken out before deploying Minions.
  • Using Giants as a distraction when using Minions to attack other buildings is a good idea since the Giants will attack the defensive buildings and keep them occupied while the Minions attack all the outside buildings achieving at least 50% damage.
    • Note that while Giants can be used to destroy an Air Defense, they will not occupy its attention while it is being attacked (it will still shoot at your Minions).
  • Like Balloons, Minions are exceptionally useful in the Single Player Campaign. You can simply destroy all of the Air Defenses, Archer Towers and Wizard Towers, then deploy a single Minion. It will destroy every building. It takes a bit of patience, but it pays off at the end. In the Single Player Campaign, there is no time limit, so one unthreatened Minion will eventually destroy every building.
    • Important note: In many cases a single Minion will take enough time to destroy the remaining buildings that your game will time out due to inactivity, which will cause your attack to end prematurely and be unsuccessful (regardless of how many stars you had earned to that point). To prevent this from happening either deploy multiple Minions, move your screen around, tap in the red zone, or simply change the view every few moments by panning or zooming.
  • Minions can overpower Air Defenses as they only target one Minion at a time; but beware of Wizard Towers which can vaporize entire swarms of Minions.
  • A good way to use minions is to use as shield such as Dragons or Lava Hounds as most Air Defenses and Air Bombs can kill Minions very quickly.

Also watch this video to have a look at the new max level minions

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Item Reviewed: Level-7 (max) MINIONS -attacking strategy + defensive strategy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown