Monday 24, Mar 2025
Sunday, 10 January 2016

Immortal Queen HogBarch Farming Strategy

Immortal Super Queen Strategy is the first choice for clashers who have queen above level-20 .This type of loot is successful most of the time. So here i am for you to  guide for this amazing strategy.

Benefits of Immortal Queen HogBarch Farming Strategy

  • Very quick to train. Efficient army that trains very quickly since you are using all 6 Barracks.
  • Very powerful attack. Very effective attack for raiding Storages inside bases.
  • Highly versatile. You can go for Collectors outside base with Barch, or you can go for Storages or Collectors inside base by breaking in with your Archer Queen coupled with Healers.
  • Less time nexting/searching. You will search less. Why? Because you don’t need to search for a very long time for a weak base or an inactive base. With Super Queen HogBarch composition, you can easily go for a total of at least 400k loot within just a few searches.
  • Incredibly fun and strategic. If you love attacks that are fun to do and require lots of strategies, then you’ll love this attack. With the high versatility of this army, you can do so much in an attack and attack a base in many different ways. Super Queen and Hog Riders are also super fun to use!
  • Very cheap. You are only using 6 Hog Riders and 4 Healers, and the rest Barch and Wall Breakers, so it’s a very cheap composition compared to other compositions that utilize a heavy number of Minions or Giants and Wizards

Army Composition

  • Barracks 1 and 2 = 1 Healer + 2 Wall Breakers + rest Barbarians each
  • Barracks 3 and 4 = 1 Healer + 2 Wall Breakers + rest Archers each
  • Dark Barracks 1 and 2 = 3 Hog Riders each
  • Spells = Just Rage Spells and Poison Spell for safety. Also carry another Poison Spell in CC Donation for safety
  • Clan Castle troops = Request for Hog Riders. If not Hog Riders, then Giants are fine.

NOTE: The best league to farm in. Well I’ve been having a lot of success in Silver League with the Trophy range of 900 to 1200 trophies.
        Benefits of Silver League:
  • No concern for maintaining trophies. For instance, you can freely attack outside collectors with little troops and then just quit without winning because it’s so easy to get back those trophies. I don’t focus on winning trophies at all and I find myself dropping trophies occasionally.
  • Lots of rushed bases. There are so many rushed weak bases with loaded Storages inside the base. You’ll have to hard time stealing all that resource with something like Barch, but not with Super Queen! You can easily break inside these bases and get all those storages.
  • More dead bases. There are lots of dead bases in Silver. You’ll find dead bases here more frequently than in higher leagues. While you want to stay away from Bronze League because you’ll start to cloud a lot unless you’re a TH8 player.
  • Easy bully targets. If you want to make loot fast, then you need to bully the Town Hall level below you a lot. Why? Because it’s only a 20% loot penalty. Which means that if you’re a TH9 player and you attack a TH8, then the total loot available to you is only deducted by 20%. That’s very little! And it’s so easy beating any TH8 player as a TH9 player, so you should try to bully as many of them as you can. That’s why Silver League is the best league for that, you’ll find tons of TH8s. Same with TH10s who want to bully TH9s and TH11s who want to bully TH10s, etc.
  • This composition will work in Gold, Crystal, and Masters. It may actually be better for farming in Masters League if you want more Dark Elixir and are using strong Heroes such as at least level 20 Barbarian King and and level 20 Archer Queen.
What bases should be my targets?
  • You want to aim for a total of at least 400,000 in total resource. For example, if you can steal 150,000 Gold and 250,000 from a base, then you should attack it. Whether you attack the collectors or storages for it. As long as you get that minimum total target.
  • For Dark Elixir, aim for at least 2000 Dark Elixir. Remember, Town Halls now carry ¼ of the Dark Elixir. So if there’s a total of 2500 DE being offered for example and all the drills are empty, then there’s most likely 500 DE inside the Town Hall and 2000 DE inside the Dark Elixir Storage.
Thanks for reading and hope you guys like this strategy as well as get lots of loot with it. Just don’t forget to share you success stories and don’t hesitate to ask anything below!

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