Saturday 22, Mar 2025
Thursday, 3 March 2016

Defend every war attack on your Town Hall-9 war base!!!

hello guys, majority of town halls in COC are of level -9 but its hard to find any uncommon best defensive war base. So this time i am going to introduce a new base for Town hall-9 and its tested and appreciated by many clashers and i want this base to help you win wars.
I guarantee 1 star or zero star defense win against every TH-9.

This base is named as "The CREATURE" with the structure of a creature and complete protection around the Town hall.

the Creature 9D

Strength of this base

  • Anti-Air (lavaloons or dragoons won't even dare to enter its war zone)
Having level-7 Air Defense are enough to assure you protection against air troops.
For this base you need to put the x -bow adjacent to king at air n ground and other x-bow at ground or air-ground it your choice, reason behind it is left side is protected by the AD and the Archer Queen but the other side needs air protection with the rightside x-bow.

"The Creature" best 2016 Town Hall-9 war base

  • Anti- ground troops
Looking for the first time this base looks weak from the bottom side and this is side most preferable but using gowipe or govalo, 90% of the time wizzards and valks are busted with giant bombs, these giant bombs take down 6-8 wizzards with them.
wizzards magnet "giant bombs"
  • Clusters of Tesla plays a key role in this base. Against pekka and other strong ground troop like B king or golem, these bunch of tesla hit a massive damage to them.
"clusters of Tesla"

Dead zone around Town hall, with complete protection against any troop, xbows , wizard tower, tesla and giant bombs all concentrating at the center of the base making it difficult to destroy the town hall

"Dead Zone"

war attack events log

Use of jump spells and earth quake spells also dont make any chance of 2 stars, i have defended many war attack, watch the video below on war repay of defense againts 4 earth-quake spells and ill upload some more replays on this base and visit the youtube channel for more useful videos and subscribe the channel
watch this video:

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