Together with the March Update we’ve also seen a new matchmaking algorithm that is supposed to finish the issues of mismatches and bring back more thrill to Clan War. The reality, however, looks less tempting, as many Clans have reported that the matchmaking either takes hours or also brings up weird mismatches – so new algorithm, old problems?

Supercell already stated that they are aware that the matchmaking takes a long time for some (as far as I can tell it’s many) Clans, and they are working on a fix:

coc twitter page
Supercell already stated that they are aware that the matchmaking takes a long time for some (as far as I can tell it’s many) Clans, and they are working on a fix:
coc twitter page
Long-Term versus Short-Term
Of course, some of the changes will only reveal their full power after several Clan Wars. Especially the Win/Loss Streaks will take some time to really affect the matchmaking.
Even if Supercell stated the longer matchmaking might be normal in the future, you should cancel and restart the matchmaking after 1 hour – until Supercell provides us a fix.
From what I’ve read and heard is that the longer the matchmaking takes, the higher the possibility that you will see an unfair matchup – for your profit or not. This is still the issue and I hope we will see some changes soon.
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