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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Clan War Guide:bring your clan to top 10 in world

Tips to win almost every Clan War

Nothing is impossible not even 100% result in clan wars,so i'm here this time to help to you guys improve your clan wars. Take these points below very seriously to have all win clan war victory

Improvements during the Preparation Day of Clan Wars

The first things to mind are actually something to take care BEFORE you start the Preparation Day. The most important things are:
  • Starting your Clan War at the best time
  • Knowing how you can get a better matching Clan for a fair Clan War battle

First of all, check your base layout!

When Supercell introduced Clan Wars you could only use your real base layout and, therefore, lots of us used some kind of hybrid layout to switch fast between Clan War layout and farming layout. It’s important that you use a good and solid War Base layout for Clan Wars, especially after the update that introduced the War Base Layout editor.

Max your Clan Castle potential!

Your Clan Castle is your most powerful building so always have it in the center and filled with the best troops for defending. Lots of people in my clan did not really understand the difference between troop donations to the Clan Castle via the clan chat and the War Castle with troops that will defend your War Base during Clan War. I recommend using either Witches, Wizards or Dragons and compliment with Archers. Don’t hesitate to release troops you don’t like and be clear with your preferred troops. You have to edit the standard “I need reinforcement troops” text.

Organize before Battle Day!

Here is where we got most of our improvement. You have to have a Feeder Clan where inactive or lower level clan mates are staying so everyone in the Clan War clan is active.
This is also a good way to prevent espionage from your current enemy clan. Also, I’d like to point out three very essential rules for Battle Day:
  1. Weaker players should attack during the first 12 hours and the stronger players in the send part of the Battle Day. The weak players should have first dibs on your opponents’ weaker players to max their star potential.
  2. Bottom to Top in Clan Wars: Never start fighting the best 3 to 10 opponent bases (depending on how big the Clan War is regarding 15 vs 15 players or 50 vs 50 players). For regular Clan Wars, it is enough if 80% of the bases get destroyed to win and every star is equal – no place for playing the Hero here.
  3. DEMORALIZE! This is the best push we got in our clan: Tell everyone that the first attack should aim to get 3 stars. In this case, your enemy will lose faith in winning and maybe some players will not even attack with their expensive army because they think they don’t have a chance of winning anyways. Imagine you log in on Battle Day and your clan has 10% of the possible stars while the opponent clan already got 50%. You think that this is not working, but I am sure it will!

Clan Wars Battle Day tweaking

Always attack with a full army and have all Spells and Heroes with you. Nothing is more frustrating if you only got 90% because you told yourself you will not need the 2 Healing or Rage Spells.
Scout and watch Replays! If you see that an enemy War Base got destroyed for only 1 star from one of your clan mates check out the replay. Hopefully, you’ll be able to find where the Traps are and what troops are in the Clan Castle. Think about taking this base instead of a “fresh” and unknown base if you are not sure. Remember that a fresh base will have surprises for you while the other base has been exposed, which should help you to destroy it.
Extra Tips: You can also sometimes visit your enemy clan if possible to check out their bases for traps and whats inside their cc, plus take screenshots of their base and share it with your clanmates, also prepare your strategies as per their base. 

Below is the screenshot of war log:

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