Tuesday 25, Mar 2025
Sunday, 28 February 2016

Another big upgrade!! New Dark troop this end of march

Hey guys, I have some more great news about the new troop that’s coming out soon in Clash of Clans!

Supercell had just confirmed on their Facebook page that they are indeed working on a new troop and that they have cool plans for the next BIG feature. This is directly quoted from the Clash of Clans Facebook page.

They also revealed that this new troop is going to be a dark troop and that they’re looking at TH10 because it’s next in line and because it’s the first TH level that doesn’t have its own DE troop. And that makes sense since you’re going to need to upgrade the Dark Barracks to level 7 to unlock this new Dark Troop. It also makes sense that it would be unlocked at TH10 not only because there isn’t a TH10 exclusive troop, but also because TH10s lack a very good weapon to 3 star opposing TH10s. Everyone knows how easy it is for a TH9 player to 3 star an opposing TH9 player when using their Lava Hound with their  Balloons. But it’s like 10 times harder for a TH10 player to 3 star an opposing and well developed TH10 base

They had also stated that the update is likely to happen before April in response to someone’s post about the next update being in April. Unfortunately, they decided to remove all of these posts on their Facebook page. I’m guessing they decided that they don’t want people posting on the forums about when they are going to post sneak peeks and when the next update is every 10 seconds.
But yea, with all the information we were given in those few posts, we can safely predict that the next update is going to be in March. I mean come on, the Lava Hound was the last new troop that was released around a year and a half ago. It just feels too long to wait this long for a new troop.
Anyways, with the information we’re given about the new troop, I’m going to do something fun and try to predict it. I would consider myself to be pretty good at this sort of stuff because I had released a video about TH11 around 5 months ago in which I predicted many things correctly about TH11.

So yea, if someone was to ask me what I think the new troop is going to be. I would say that it has to be a troop that would make it easier for TH10s to 3 star opposing TH10s, but not be able to 3 star TH11s. And the only way to really do that would be for this new dark troop to somehow be impervious to the Inferno Tower, but at the same time be very weak to the Eagle Artillery. However, Supercell had already recently made it so that the Eagle Artillery does 3 times the damage on Golems, while TH10s have no access to level 3 Witches. So it’s plausible to think that this new troop works excellently with the Golem. Why? Because mass Golems are one of the deadliest attack methods for TH10s and because it’s weak to the Eagle Artillery. And the best troops that work with the Golem are ranged attackers like the Wizard. However, the problem with the Wizard is that he’s weak to Giant Bombs and Multi Infernos. So I’m guessing this new dark troop would have to be a ranged attacker, but also have very decent HP (like a Giant), but at the same time not be as powerful as a Wizard because that would just be too OP and would outclass the Wizard. So I’m guessing it’s a bulky ranged attacker that occupies just as much space as a Wizard, but isn’t as powerful as a Wizard. And that in my opinion would be perfect for TH10s because the main weakness to Multi Target Inferno Towers are high HP troops, while the main weakness to Single Target Inferno Towers are hordes of low HP troops. So a troop with very decent HP and very low housing space and ability to attack from a distance can be used as a swarm behind Golems and be extremely effective against opposing TH10s.
Well that’s just my predictions, maybe you guys have better predictions. If so, please share in the comments below of what you guys think. And I’m going to continue to dig up more information on this new update with what this new BIG feature is and what this new dark troop is going to be. So be sure to subscribe here clash of clans designs if you haven’t and I’ll see you guys again soon. Later!

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