Sunday 23, Mar 2025
Sunday, 12 June 2016

Best Selected Town Hall-10 base layouts

Switch your old base to better new ones, for my town hall-10 clashers  gathered together the latest solid base designs for TH10, War Base Layouts and Farming Base Layouts.

Town Hall 10 War Base Layouts

Going to Clan War as a Town Hall 10 is not easy. All you can do is prevent getting 3-Stared and sometimes you’re lucky and can protect a Star in a very close attack if your attacker makes mistakes.
The War Bases I have here are solid enough to take advantage of mistakes and shouldn’t get 3-Stared.
They also work well against mass Valkyrie attacks that are getting more and more popular.

Anti 3 Star TH10 War Base Layout

Anti-Valkyrie TH10 War Base

Town Hall 10 Farming Base Layouts

If you’re a Town Hall 10 Clasher you know how hard it can be to defend loot in your base. In Town Hall 10 you won’t be able to protect a lot of loot for a long time, so many farmers developed a strategy just to tease and give some easily to get a shield in return.

Dark Elixir Protection Farming Base Layout Town Hall 10
This first base is designed to protect Dark Elixir at all costs – don’t get confused by the kind of semi-exposed Town Hall. It’s all for a cheap shield and your Dark Elixir will be safe in the middle.
However, you shouldn’t use this layout when you also want to protect your other resources.

Gold & Elixir Protecting Farming Base Design for Town Hall 10

This farming base works a little bit different – the Dark Elixir here is what most attackers will go for but leave your other resources. You can switch the Storages around, depending what you’re farming at the time.

All in 0ne Farming Base Layout
This last TH10 Farming Base Layout tries to be an all round farming base, protecting all your loot with the same priority. You can expect to lose one or another Storage, but not more than half of the available loot you have

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